Sunday, September 28, 2014

Live Life

Life, you can live it or just survive through it. Today, turn your pain into purpose and allow every mess to become your message. Make your sadness your strength and your anger your ambition to do better. Its a new day live it in an absolutely purposeful productive way. ~RHD~ #PositivelyYou #RHD

Friday, September 19, 2014

Just a Thought

As I walked through my life these past couple of months I had to realize the things I had to let go and the things that I should keep in my life. I have had to remove myself from the lives of many and place my self in the lives of others. I often wondered what was the deal with those I had to let go, but then I realized that nothing is really forever except eternal life with God.

Just a Thought.....

Monday, August 25, 2014

Not Every

Not every police officer is a killer that gets paid after shooting an unarmed man. Don't teach your young men to hate police officers or authority and train them not to give them a reason to bring hatred against them. That's not to say that any of those killed out of hatred brought it on themselves, we know they surely didn't deserve to be killed in such savage ways. It's just to say to be mindful of the stereotypes that our young black men are being put in and don't put every police officer in a stereotype of hate.


Education Matters

Make sure you are loving your children. Be a constant force during their education. Don't focus so much on the "grade" more than you focus on the Knowledge and Understanding.  Be sure to work with your child on his/her schoolwork and make sure you are teaching them at home what they can't and won't cover in school. Show the teachers you are there to work with them and not against them to bring the best out of your child. To all the students and teachers have a successful school year!

#SchoolBellsRing #SuccessBeginsAtHome #MakeEducationImportant

Friday, August 22, 2014

Everybody's Trying

Everybody's trying to be something they are not. Folks will always try to present rich when they are spiritually poor. Be yourself, stop trying to keep up with those who have a lot but are dead broke in love and care. ~RHD~ #GrownWomenTalks #RHD

Monday, August 11, 2014

Be Careful

Be careful who you allow in your heart,  mind and soul. Not everybody and not everything that you enjoy allows your spirit to grow. Some things harbor deep in you and can take over your body rendering you helpless to any good waiting for you. Be mindful of what you let in and out your spirit physically,  emotionally and spiritually. ~RHD~ #GrownWomenTalks #RHD

Friday, August 8, 2014

Quiet World

Sometimes you have to quiet the world around you and just be in the moment of amazement in your day. Life is as beautiful as you see it.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing and Be Encouraged


Thursday, August 7, 2014


What new adventure has God,Your Higher Power, been prompting you to step out on faith to do? Take special time today to prepare yourself for your direction to that adventure. Be it through prayer, meditation or action get ready.   It may be something big or something bigger than you could ever imagine. My hope today is that you will want to know what that special something is and begin the journey of strength and courage to begin achievement in it. Get ready, your life is about to change even in this very moment, operate in it as if it's already done.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misunderstood.

~Racquel  B.K.A Mrs. Understood~

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Too many people are trying to live their relationships over the internet for all to see, when they need to be having a relationship behind closed doors in privacy.

Your relationship is your business not everyone else's. People wonder why things are all jacked up at home with their lover, spouse or significant other after sharing all the details with others . They are busy putting on a show for their internet soap opera, than working and being together for their life movie.

There comes a time when you realize that everything that happens at home doesn't need to leave the memories in your heart and be displayed for all to see. 

Privacy in relationships is a good thing. Putting yourselves on display never helps in keeping a relationship true and loving. Take the privacy back in your relationship. Don't allow the five minutes of fame from others to lure you into revealing so much. After all, everyone who claims they want your relationship to work is most likely cheering you on when it fails.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misunderstood.

~Racquel  B.K.A Mrs. Understood~

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Life Sometimes

Cleansing is essential for growth. While you are fighting the tide and flailing in the water, Stop and relax and ride the wave. Leave the issues in the deep end and walk on the beach with a new mind, body and soul.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misunderstood.

Mrs. Understood

Believe You are the Best!

An inner-neediness flows out of wanting to be loved and valued and expecting to find that fulfillment in people, things and work.

It is important to be grounded spiritually, aurally in order to remove that need for the things you should ultimately conjure up in self.

The static from the outside world is what gets us in trouble with knowing ourselves and who we really are when no one is looking.

Take the time today to make sure you are truly seeing your beauty beyond the view in the mirror. It's important to your growth in living and loving yourself.

You deserve the best that is within you but you first have to believe you are the best!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misunderstood.

Mrs. Understood

Everyday believe....

Sometimes it's not the grand things that bring your mind to know life is beautiful, but the small things that are grand, like breathing, that lets you know life is so worth every breath. Everyday, believe that life is worth living and your actions and returns in the day will flow positively in your favor.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misunderstood.

Mrs. Understood

Friday, August 1, 2014


T.G.I.F...T.he G.ood I.nstantly F.lows when you create a positive atmosphere for love to run free. Remove the negative cloud from over you and go into today ready to spread positive energy every step along your journey. Allow good to flow through you with an upbeat attitude of gratitude. This will allow good to come to you for the betterment of your day. T.G.I.F T.he G.ood I.nstantly F.lows when you create a positive atmosphere for love to run free. Try it, you may like the results. Have a good day, you deserve it!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged, but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.

Mrs. Understood

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Inner Sun

Don't let the desires of your heart and the thoughts in your day be limited by people and circumstances today. Remember, it may look to others that you have it all together, but you alone determine your worth, so it really doesn't matter what they see. Once you believe, love and trust in yourself people will treat you in kind. It's a good day to shine from the inside out. Plug in your inner sun of beauty and shine on.

Be Blessed,  Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Time Stands Still For No One!

So apparently I was moving too slow for my son to get to work. He realized wait.... Dad is home that means my car is available. Mom, I've got to go see you later, love you and off he goes by himself headed to work like a grown ass man. I had to stop and say a prayer for protection and covering over my almost grown child. When he texted us stating he made it safely I love you guys, I went into a big emotional mommy moment. Not because I'm overbearing, not because I don't want to let go, not because I'm a punk, just because time has moved so damn fast. I see the little boy down the block riding his bike over his grandmother's house and I miss the days. Made me realize that time stands still for no one. Enjoy the times when your children are your loving adorables and enjoy the time that you see them begin to grow and discover independence and a will to live life in their own productive way. 

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.
Mrs. Understood

Long Time

Long time no see. I'm back ready to take on the bloggesphere.. been a minute I've been neglectful in my writing duties.

Anyway... Today, see the world that surrounds you through the eyes of a child. Be amazed at everything you see and excited about your next adventure.  Don't worry about anything but the moment you are in. Gleefully run through your day ready to explore. Take it all in while laughing and just enjoying life. I'm not asking you to forget your responsibilities, I'm just asking you to see from a point of view that will make It easier to complete them. You can be carefree without being careless. Try it, the sweet attitude of a child excited in their day can create a most productive day in you.

It takes a moment to think like a child but it's worth it!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.

Mrs. Understood