Thursday, July 31, 2014

Inner Sun

Don't let the desires of your heart and the thoughts in your day be limited by people and circumstances today. Remember, it may look to others that you have it all together, but you alone determine your worth, so it really doesn't matter what they see. Once you believe, love and trust in yourself people will treat you in kind. It's a good day to shine from the inside out. Plug in your inner sun of beauty and shine on.

Be Blessed,  Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Time Stands Still For No One!

So apparently I was moving too slow for my son to get to work. He realized wait.... Dad is home that means my car is available. Mom, I've got to go see you later, love you and off he goes by himself headed to work like a grown ass man. I had to stop and say a prayer for protection and covering over my almost grown child. When he texted us stating he made it safely I love you guys, I went into a big emotional mommy moment. Not because I'm overbearing, not because I don't want to let go, not because I'm a punk, just because time has moved so damn fast. I see the little boy down the block riding his bike over his grandmother's house and I miss the days. Made me realize that time stands still for no one. Enjoy the times when your children are your loving adorables and enjoy the time that you see them begin to grow and discover independence and a will to live life in their own productive way. 

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.
Mrs. Understood

Long Time

Long time no see. I'm back ready to take on the bloggesphere.. been a minute I've been neglectful in my writing duties.

Anyway... Today, see the world that surrounds you through the eyes of a child. Be amazed at everything you see and excited about your next adventure.  Don't worry about anything but the moment you are in. Gleefully run through your day ready to explore. Take it all in while laughing and just enjoying life. I'm not asking you to forget your responsibilities, I'm just asking you to see from a point of view that will make It easier to complete them. You can be carefree without being careless. Try it, the sweet attitude of a child excited in their day can create a most productive day in you.

It takes a moment to think like a child but it's worth it!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.

Mrs. Understood