I have so many thoughts in my head so I thought I would share them. You can chime in at anytime, I surely won't mind :-)
Random Thought: Why are so many people counting down the days until President Obama is out of office? Like they are imprisoned in an Obama jail. Give me a break stop counting down and start helping out. It starts at home. Stop training your children to believe that a countdown will make it all better in their lives. Why not take a moment to pray that God work through the leadership to lead the country with wisdom, understanding and love. Start the countdown to the coming of Christ, because time is short. Do not countdown what you believe is the fall of a man. Just an FYI President Obama is a man like any other. He puts his pants on one leg at a time like all of us. He is not perfect and he is not free of fault. None of us are and we need to teach our children this. We will never have the "perfect" president. Just because a president does not do things the way you want to see them done does not mean that it will not be done. Just because someone believes in doing things differently does not mean that they are the one that will take something down. Off to another subject....
Directed Thought: Haiti... If you haven't donated, Please do, but make sure it is to a reputable corporation. So many will be out there to try and get rich off of others misfortune and pain so just make sure that you are sending your money to a place that will really give the money to the Haitian people. It is such a sad situation and if you are unable to send money please be sure to send up a prayer for Haiti. It was so reassuring to me to know that God is still in the midst of the Haitian people as they prayed and sang in unison in their time of need. Hallelujah
Rant: I can't stand people who think that everything has to be done their way or the highway. It drives me nuts. I guess sometimes I can be that way, well a lot of times. So at times I can't stand my own faults and pray daily for God to continue working on me.
Rant: Women just because it fits you don't have to wear it. You look like boo boo the clown walking around with a skirt too small and too tight. What is the point? I mean if you are looking for a man you won't find one that is thinking of you as a intelligent human being dressed like that. If it doesn't fit don't wear it.
Rant: Men stop wishing your woman is a Michelle Obama or a Laura Bush. She is who God made her to be and if she is your woman you need to be sure to let her know you love her for her. Don't keep comparing your boo to another. Be happy with what you have and always cherish your relationship with her. Couples be sure to realize that a relationship is a partnership and in a partnership communication is the key.
Rant: I wish these bill collectors would stop calling. I have blocked your numbers so if you are reading this stop. I already set up a plan to pay you now let the time come so I can pay you. Sheesh stop calling me every day asking if we are still on for the plan we set up. You aren't my friend I don't need to hear from you every day.
Lastly... Lupus I QUIT YOU, KICK ROCKS, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You make me sick and I can't stand your ugly face. The next time I see you I am going to give you a flying kick dead in the teeth and bust out all of your fronts. So, be ready, if you plan on coming around anytime soon I am going to beat you senseless. Love Me!
Be Blessed, Be Encouraged & Always Be a Blessing
Mrs. Understood
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