Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Power is in the KNOWING!!!! Know that your closest friend will talk behind your back (((OUCH)))... Know that some people will not like you even though you did nothing to them (((OUCH))).. Know that your heart will be broken by someone you love (((OUCH))).. Know that sometimes life isn't fair (((OUCH)))... Know that when you are down some people will rejoice in your misfortune(((OUCH))).. 

So now that we know there will be pain focus on knowing THIS (((((No matter how deep the cut is or how much it sting God supplied you with the ultimate pain reliever))) The power of Knowing (((huhhhhhh)))). Know when to pray, know when to walk away, know when the battle is not yours, know that there is power in your thoughts, know that you are human, know that you are more than a conqueror and know that you are never alone.  ~ Yes I Am My Sister's Keeper ~

My thoughts.....There is power in knowing and it is healing power. Sometimes the things described above will happen in your life no doubt, but when you know, it gives you a sense of power and understanding. A way to prepare for the next step whether you need to pray or walk away. To know is better than being left in the dark. 

When you know you are able to allow God to work in you to realize what needs to be done.

The dictionary defines to know as to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty....Everyone wants to be clear on things. Not only on who you are to them or what you meant by a statement but on all things in life. No one wants to live in the dark in wonderment. We all want to be clear and concise as to wants going on. Sometimes people don't understand the importance of being in the know. That is not to say you must know anything and everything, it just means you need to know about things that directly affect your life. 

It helps to know that you are never alone in anything that you do and it helps to be clear on things that will have an effect on you personally. It helps to know! 

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged & Be a Blessing!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Communication Basics

Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean I'm "complaining" or that I don't "understand" you or that I am not on your "intellectual" level. It's called communication and discussion and that consists of different opinions. When you learn to respect how people think and communicate differently, you can remove the condescending veil to communicate more effectively....

When communicating with others be it in person, on the phone, via text or the internet one shouldn't strive to be vocal and only see their opinion. One shouldn't take moments to toot their own horns in verbiage that is harmful to another.

It amazes me how much people want to be heard but very rarely want to listen. There are so many different angles of every situation.  In every discussion there will be times when emotion will run wild. But, as adults it is our job to see that and step back to create an effective way to communicate those emotions in the most productive way.

 I communicate effectively and I have patience. I love to debate and discuss. The thing is people tend to want to talk just to hear themselves talk and to be right instead of trying to be effective in their communications. To show what their intellect is and point out where others are at fault.....It's a shame that one's intellect can overshadow effectiveness. What's the purpose of having intellect if common sense is thrown out the window? There comes a time when when you realize that your words come with reactions and you can't be surprised if your communications are jaded and one sided if someone calls you out on it.  

The purpose of communication is to exchange ideas, to see both sides to agree or disagree but to do so effectively.  You want to avoid misunderstanding and a break in the communication.

Honestly poor communication is worse than no communication at all... I would rather a person sit in silence before opening up a can of worms of misunderstandings and jaded views.

For me, if you can't communicate effectively please don't communicate with me at all. No I don't expect communications to be perfect but I do expect a fair and balanced discussion in order to really tap into the fullness of each person I communicate with.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged & Be a Blessing,


“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”