Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are you really walking or just talking

This video got me to thinking are we just talking the talk and not walking the walk? Do we just say things so that people will look at us a certain way, yet we mean something totally different?

Many times in life we simply talk it but have the highest degree of difficulty walking in the true spirit of Christ. I know I have said things and didn't even believe what I said, I have said to someone have faith and didn't have it for myself. We all have done it.

On a daily basis we must attempt to really walk the walk and not just talk the talk. We can't say we love God and demean. We can't say we love God and negatively see every situation. We can't say we trust God and never relinquish "our" hangups and problems over to him. We can't just talk the talk and never even attempt to walk the walk.

There comes a time when we become mature spiritual creatures and begin to follow the word of God. Not follow a particular religion or a particular organization or a particular church. But, the true word of God. Following the word of God requires us to remove our own self fulfilling acts and take on the acts that God has instructed us to follow. It requires faith, it requires patience, it requires right talking and right walking.

I am making a commitment to Talk the talk but to really walk the walk in the full spirit of God.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged & Be a Blessing

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How will you live today?

Who will you encourage today? Will you smile when you don't feel like smiling? Will you speak positive when your emotions try to dictate you to speak negative? Will you see the day as partly cloudy or partly sunny? This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Take yourself out of routine and see today for what it really is, an opportunity. Some will not see tomorrow so how will you live today?

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not promised and today is the present specially wrapped in great opportunity to encourage, edify, love and live without constraints. Will you choose to live today in that present?

When your day seems to take a turn for the worst, will you continue to live in that negativity or will you see the opportunity in the situation? Take a moment today to really make a conscious effort to see the positive out of a situation and focus on deliberately pointing out that positive piece to others around you. See how this will change what the present situation is.

It amazes me the opportunity that rises out of all situations be they good or bad. We just have to see them and share them.

Today, I will walk in opportunity and ask others to walk confidently with me. I believe today is the present given to me by God and I will live today sharing His word of love & life.

Will you join me?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do what is RIGHT not POPULAR

Do What is Right Not Popular

Dedicate your mind and your spirit to what is right. Don't follow what is not right with your morals and values. Take a moment to step back and realize that you deserve better and you deserve what is right for YOU. It may not be popular and people will say all types of things, but if God has told you something is wrong and provided the right path then follow it! -R. Dozier

Have you ever felt deep down in your spirit that something just isn't right with something you were doing? Have you felt burdened when discussing that something and like your life has been upturned with the wrong within it? I know I have. Most times I would ignore it and just go with the flow. Other times I would try to work through it and other times I would just walk away.

What I have learned is that you must know when to do all three. In all situations you go through a series of emotions and actions that come from those emotions. What you must do is remove the emotional train and look at the hard cold facts. Ask yourself is what you are doing helping you or hurting you? Is doing what you are doing in line with your morals and values? Is doing what you are doing bringing joy and peace to your life? I ask all these questions before just walking away. When I ask myself these questions and pray for God's guidance I usually follow the guidance given.

Most times when I decided to walk away be it for a moment or for a lifetime it is usually the correct decision for me. It has never turned out to be the wrong thing to do because I truly have left my decision up to God and asked for his complete direction. I relinquish it to Him and allow him to show me what to do. Many people talk about me and say this and say that, but honestly I don't really care, because in the end I have to do what is right for me and not for others.

See we don't live to please others. What another person's agenda is is not our own. We must take the time to ask God what it is he wants out of us in all situations. When the result is something that others can't see, we shouldn't worry about how they see it. God has a plan for each and every one of us and sometimes we are so stuck in the rut of what others think and see or trying to please or help others in a worn and torn situation that we miss the opportunity to follow the RIGHT path instead of the POPULAR path or the path that is good for someone else.

You remember that country song the Gambler..."You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, Know when to walk away and know when to run..." The same is true in life situations.

Take the time today to really look at all situations in your life. Make a concerted effort to relinquish it over to God and allow Him to make the decision for you. When that decision is evident and clear don't keep putting it off because it will put you at risk for passing the path that has been placed right in front of you, FOR YOU.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged & Be a Blessing

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Blossom That Eternally Blooms

A Blossom That Eternally Blooms
Pastor Paula White

A good way to determine how steadfast your faith in Christ is, and how completely you have given your life over to the leading of God's Holy Spirit, is to consider the joyous message we are given in Galatians 5:22 - 25:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 - 25

These verses offer an awesome, inspiring, and deeply comforting revelation of how the Christian believer's life, spirit, and actions should transform and manifest when truly "spirit-filled" and "delivered." I can find no better description in the Bible of what a believer experiences, shares and expresses, when listening to, acting out of, and sharing the Spirit of God.

In other words: our lives should "bloom" with the fruit - the "blossom" -- or living proof, of the Holy Spirit within us! And people should be able to see our fruit - in our actions, our words, our clearly as we might see a juicy, ripe orange hanging from a branch as we pass by...or smell the delicious fragrance of beautiful tulip in spring.

In the verses from Galatians, the words "love," "joy," "peace," "gentleness," and "goodness," immediately fill us with a gratitude to the Creator for His deep and abiding devotion to us. He is GOOD...and His Spirit fills us with His goodness, wraps us in His love, comforts us with His peace, and calms us with His gentleness - and define what true, lasting, and eternally accessible "joy of the Lord" is made up of.

"Longsuffering," "meekness," "faith" and "temperance," are words that describe the characteristics we should display to the world as mature, Spirit-filled Christian believers. Hard won, steadily nurtured, carefully tended virtues - these are the sometimes painfully cultivated fruits of a harvest that the Spirit reveals through our patient, passionate, and persistent commitment to getting the best of what God has to offer!

There is another vital reason for nurturing the Holy Spirit within: it is only through the guidance of that "small, still voice" that we will be able to reap the sustenance of God's grace, power, strength and fortitude during the darkest and most difficult seasons of our lives. His fruits within us are nourishing, empowering, and life-transforming characteristics that will show the world God's omnipotence - as in our weakness, but through His strength, even while shaken, we stand...when everything around us tumbles.

So seek to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit that God reveals in Galatians...and in every season of life, you will be a walking testimony of God's glory on our earth today - truly "a blossom in eternal bloom!"

My personal take....

What a great word. We come across people who are at different levels in their walk with Christ. As Pastor White points out we must be mature Christians walking in "meekness", "temperance" & "faith". When we remove ourselves from the word of God we remove all that is of Him. We begin to speak work that do not uplift, but tear down. We begin to act as if we don't even know Him instead of acting so that God shines through us. There comes a time when we must relinquish our full body, mind & spirit to God so that others can smell the beautiful fragrance of God. This word was right on point.

The time has come for us to take heed and follow the word of God. It is not time to be a play play christian, the time is now to grow and mature in Christ. No longer can we walk in what the world has given us to walk in. we don't have to talk like those that are not of Christ. Let us not be disruptive to those around us with negative talk and hurtful words and actions. We must practice what the word has taught us. We must use that meekness, that temperance and that faith to help another. It is not about us but about God. What we do here on earth should be to edify Him. Our actions, reactions, words, thoughts she be on Him. When we remove self, we allow the Holy Spirit to usher in. The time is NOW for tomorrow is not promised. Relinquish your self and grow in him and come to full blossom.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged and Be a Blessing!

Friday, August 14, 2009

You Reap what you Sow

I was speaking with someone the other day and as the story was being told I thought wow people have issues with communication in relationships. I was always raised to listen more than I talk. As a matter of fact I remember my mother saying to me at 8 years old that God gave me two ears and one mouth so I could listen twice as much as I talked. This will allow you to hear what the person is saying and allow yourself to take it in and process it appropriately.

Some people love to hear themselves talk and they know that their tongue is a mighty sword and use it as one. They cut people down and try and call it tough love. They say every negative thing to the person and say I am doing it to help them. Anything negative is not really helpful. If you treat someone poorly it is true you will get that treatment back.

I believe and the bible tells you, you reap what you sow! Whatever you give out to others, God will eventually give back to you. If you are feeding others negativity that is what you will harvest. You have to treat others the way you want to be treated. At ALL times, No mattter how you may feel, remove the emotions and take a moment to stop and think, if I were the other person how would I want to be treated.

We must begin to really treat others the way we want to be treated. We can't continue to always throw negativity out and expect positive results back. At some point and time we have to look at a situation and see how we are contributing to it and it's negativity. It isn't always one person the street runs both ways.

Take the time today to really put yourself in another person's shoes that you may have had an issue with. Walk with them instead of in front of them or behind them. Treat them with love and kindness and check out your results. I've heard it said that you get more bees with honey than with vinegar. Try bringing on the honey and see what a beautiful result you receive.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged and Be a Blessing


Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Great Union

Today I have been married to the most wonderful man for 15 years. It has been such a blessing to be able to find my soul-mate. To be able to say that this man is not only my husband, not only the father of the greatest son in the world, but he is my lover & my friend.

When we were married we had a marvelous wedding. Full of love that was felt through every person that attended. We were ecstatic to begin our lives as man and wife together.

We have had our ups and downs and our scares of not ever being able to see one another again. We were originally supposed to get married in November, but due to a very scary airplane ride from Texas to New York we decided to push it up. As the years have gone by we have had many changes in our relationship, all for the better. Our first change was the commitment we made to one another before God and all of our closest friends and family. This changed our relationship dramatically because it was no more me it became "WE". The next major change was the birth of my son. Again for the better, making us realize the importance of being as one in order to raise a strong young man in this cold cruel world. At that time we had to put "us" in a bigger perspective to include my son into the "WE". Now this was a challenge but we became good parents and even better spouses with this change in our lives.

A few years passed and another change in our lives occurred, the decision to move out of New York to Richmond, VA. Whew now that was a divine act of God. You see had we not been moving on a whim as we did, my husband would have been employed at the Twin Towers, what most know as the World Trade Center. He would have been working in the lower level of those buildings had we stayed in NYC. What is absolutely amazing about this part of our story is that for about a month my husband traveled back and forth from NYC to Richmond preparing to move with his family. His scheduled date to leave NYC was September 11, 2001. God has a sure plan for us as a family. On the day he was to leave as I was talking to him I saw the first plane hit a building that I have seen and visited all of my life. Mind you my husband had the rest of his belongings on his person as he was serving his last day at his job in NYC. Well as I was talking to him on the phone about the first plane, the second plane hit and the phone went dead. Can you imagine my fear? Can you imagine his fear? We lost contact for a couple of hours, as I watched the tv screen at the city I was born and raised in go under attack all sorts of images rushed through my head. God moved me to go and get my son from school where he had been crying since I dropped him off. Sometimes I wonder if he had some feeling as to what was going on in his home town. Well I finally heard from my husband who was walking with a co-worker from midtown to 135th street in Harlem where his father resided. They walked and walked and walked and as I and my sister in law fervently prayed for sign from God that he was ok and there safely the phone rung on the other end. Isn't it amazing what God does when you are faithful and truly depend on Him? My husband, my friend was fine and would be leaving the city on September 12, 2001. When he came in on the train there were armed soldiers and FBI on top of the amtrak train. What a joy it was to see him walk out of that train safe and unharmed. I am crying as I type. What a mighty God we serve. That one event changed not only our lives but it so affirmed the faith that God has placed in us to be so true to Him in in our words, thoughts and actions.

Well, if your bored with this story it only gets better. In 2003 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and in 2004 our life had another upheaval. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Of course we couldn't believe it and knew that this had to be a mistake. But through all the pain, the bouts of not being able to walk, the crying, the hospital stays this man stood by my side with a praying heart and a strong will for me to recover and live a normal life. He didn't tuck his tail and run. He took his vows seriously and stayed and is still staying through sickness and health. What a difference this made in our relationship. He has had to put up with some craziness with me but has always made it a point to say I love, to plant a kiss on my cheeck, my forehead my lips. Never complaining about anything he has been that strong tree in the storm.

On this day I can truly say that my decision to marry this man was really bound by God. He has truly kept his hand on our marriage and our family. I know he has so much more in store for us as we grow old together. I told my husband divorce is not an option you are stuck with me. Through thick and thin, through trials and tribulations, through ups and downs, through fat and skinny we are in it for the long run.

At our wedding we had the song Flesh of my Flesh playing while we were lighting the unity candle. It goes like this...

You are flesh of my flesh
Bone of my bone
There's no one closer
You are flesh of my flesh
Bone of my bone
We are one

I do pledge my life to you
Forever and always
I will take good care of you
And shower you with praise

Others try and separate us
But they don't have a chance
No one else can take your place
No not even one

I do give my life to you
Today and everyday
I will stand right by your side
Whatever comes our way

I have searched and searched for someone
Who'd make my dreams come true
Nowhere else on this earth
Is there anyone like you

The storms of life can blow and blow
But they won't knock me down
We'll stand the test
The test of time
Cause we stand on Holy ground.

That song has surely depicted our story and was the most appropriate song for our union. I have to say I love my husband and I wouldn't change a thing through out our lives. I am so happy and blessed to have him in my life and look forward to many more years laughing, crying, praying with him.

Matthew 19:6 "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3:1 A Time for Everything

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

Often we think that things happen by "mistake." In accordance to God's word there is a time for everything. Things are in our life in the season that it is needed. It is never by mistake nor is it something that is not already known by our Father.

Today you may be feeling that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. You may feel that what is going on with you is not what is supposed to happen to you. Know that everything that you have gone through and are going through is happening for a specific reason in this season in your life. Don't meditate on what is happening, rather look to God to really provide you vision as to what will come out of it. Most of the time it will be revealed if you simply open your heart and submit to His Will.

There is a Time for everything. Your time is now, submit to the will of God so He can work through you in this season of your life.