Monday, June 14, 2010

Ramblings of the Day

It has been a bit since I have posted to my blog, but I am home for the summer and watching some stupid crap on t.v.

So I am watching the Tyra show and she has these children on her show that abuse their parents. The children range from ages 8-16 and they are beating their parents down. The parents are sitting there saying how afraid and scared they are to sleep and be in the same room as their children. Talking about there are no laws that protect a parent from a child's abuse.

First of all WTH are you kidding me? The only law you need is the law of I'm gonna beat the crap out of you and deal with being in jail after I kill your behind. If my child ever came towards me to hit me I would punch him right in his chest and then break every dang on bone in his body. I have told my child if you ever raise a hand to hit me you better kill me because if you don't, be prepared to meet your maker.

This is a serious situation. The laws in states are giving children so much authority to do whatever they want in their parent's houses. I am all for following the laws of the land but I'll be damned if I birth you and you are going to try to beat me down. Hell to the NO! Why are our children so violent & ready to harm everyone that they feel does not respect them? In a parent child relationship you are not your child's friend, You are not your child's buddy you are the parent and it should be set as such in your house. It is sad to see the state of our children & even sadder to see the state of our parents. It starts from the cradle.

Let's talk about Beauty....

I read somewhere that Angelina Jolie is listed as the "Most Beautiful Person" in the World. Really? what makes her so beautiful? Because she has voluptuous lips & what people see as a nice body? That doesn't make a person beautiful. Although the initial look is pleasing to the eye what really makes a person beautiful?

Beauty goes way beyond skin and it is important that we begin to teach our children that although it is important to be neat and look decent we are not defined by our outer beauty. I am sure there are many other women out there that are just as beautiful if not more beautiful than Jolie, just overlooked because they don't fit the norm of what society says is beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Can't we just see people for the beauty within instead of judging them for what we see......

I don't know why I watch these dumb shows. What a waste of time, are they really helping people?

Peace & Hairgrease!

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