Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Long Time

Long time no see. I'm back ready to take on the bloggesphere.. been a minute I've been neglectful in my writing duties.

Anyway... Today, see the world that surrounds you through the eyes of a child. Be amazed at everything you see and excited about your next adventure.  Don't worry about anything but the moment you are in. Gleefully run through your day ready to explore. Take it all in while laughing and just enjoying life. I'm not asking you to forget your responsibilities, I'm just asking you to see from a point of view that will make It easier to complete them. You can be carefree without being careless. Try it, the sweet attitude of a child excited in their day can create a most productive day in you.

It takes a moment to think like a child but it's worth it!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing, Be Encouraged but state your words so you can avoid being Misnderstood.

Mrs. Understood

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